Connect Sverige · Nyheter · Do’s and Dont’s – tips from the entrepreneur who has raised 30 million SEK
Do’s and Dont’s – tips from the entrepreneur who has raised 30 million SEK

What do you need to consider and bear in mind when raising large rounds of capital? What common mistakes could you avoid? We talked to Åsa Lindström, CEO of Profundus, who recently raised SEK 30 million after completing Connect’s growth process Scale to Capital. Here are her top tips:
1 – Raise more capital early on. This was an important lesson. We got one million, then three million, followed by five million, and then another five, but we didn’t maximize their use. Instead, we just started all over again each time, without being able to build the value of the company fast enough.
2 – It takes time to convince investors. It can take up to 1.5 years from first contact to signing a deal. So get started sooner rather than later.
3 – Business angels have been invaluable to us. They get in early but rarely follow the company all the way. This is a saving grace for many early-stage companies where other investors think it is too early to invest. However, it can result in a long ownership list. When the company reaches a certain stage, it can lead to different scenarios, such as finding a new form of investor, listing it on the stock exchange, or larger owners buying out smaller owners.
4 – Bringing in an external board is crucial. It gives the owner the opportunity to get perspectives from both investors and other owners.
5 – Build your network! It’s important to find the right people to consult and get input from so you don’t have to ”reinvent the wheel” all the time. This applies to everything from pitch materials to business plans and employment contracts.
6 – Hire a CFO early on. Having someone with experience in budgets and forecasting is crucial, especially at the beginning of the journey when it can be difficult to find the right skills.
7 – Celebration is important! We celebrate every success, no matter the size. It can be anything from solving technical problems, getting a new employee, finalizing documents or getting positive feedback from customers.
8 – Set up a dedicated due diligence room and do it early in the process. It’s so much easier when you have all the documents, figures and the whole process in a structured way.
Want to scale your business sustainably and attract VC-capital as well?
Åsa and Profundus completed Connect’s growth process Scale to Capital. You find all the details and forms to apply here.